
Best suited middle-aged five kinds of detox food

Middle-aged , body parts has significantly decreased , constipation or bowel problems began to wrap you middle-aged friends. Therefore, it is necessary for the body of middle-aged friends to a big clean-up. As the saying goes , medicine as tonic , to a middle-aged friends following five most suited to your detox food.
[ Honey ] sweet nature , has always been nourishing the physical , detoxifies the best. Efficacy: the lungs and cough , laxative , detoxifies a significant effect , it is easily absorbed by the body. Fasting morning drink a glass of honey water, beauty , bowel laxative effect . Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and neurasthenia is also very good.

[ Carrots ] sweet, good , nourishing and detoxifying , spleen and stomach is effective detoxification food , rich in carotene and vitamins . Efficacy: After binding to the body of mercury ions , can effectively lower blood concentrations of mercury ions , accelerate rid the body of mercury ions. White radish , carrot , radish also has the above effect. For symptoms: for lead, mercury exceeded cosmetics or dietary lead and mercury caused by melasma , melasma and other skin problems.

[ Seaweed ] taste salty , cold, is phlegm , inflammation, asthma, detox, detox food ideal laxative . Efficacy: Iodine can be absorbed by the body , promoting harmful substances, and inflammatory exudate matter lesions exclusion , while kelp contains a sulfated polysaccharide called , can absorb cholesterol in the blood vessels , and excreted. For symptoms: goiter and iodine illness caused by hypertension , arteriosclerosis , drug toxicity , edema .

[ Fungus ] sweet natured, detoxification detoxification , elimination stomach wash intestines, and the best food in the blood to stop bleeding . Efficacy: fungus contains a plant gum , strong adhesive force, can be left in the dust in the human digestive system , adsorption of impurities , and then excreted . Suitable symptoms : in the dust in the work environment , especially should eat .

[ Cucumber ] sweet nature , is a significant detoxification, detox food thirst . Efficacy: Cucumber cucumber contained acid, can promote human metabolism, toxins, vitamin C content contained five times higher than the watermelon can whiten the skin , to keep it flexible, inhibit the formation of melanin. Eating cucumber also help alleviate inflammation , can inhibit carbohydrate into fat. For symptoms: lung, stomach, heart, liver and excretory system status is not good, summer easy irritability , thirst , sore throat or sputum .

