
Woman eating these foods more beautiful (5)

Breast food

1 , soybean

Soy foods increase breast health boost. Because soybeans and food processing made ​​from soy contains isoflavones , this substance can reduce estrogen levels in the female body , reduce breast discomfort . If you eat two meals a day of food containing soy , such as tofu, soy milk , etc., will be very beneficial for breast health . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)

2 , edible fungi

White fungus, black fungus , mushrooms, Hericium , Poria and other food, is a natural biological response modifier , can enhance human immunity , there is a strong anti-cancer effect. Research shows that eating mushroom women 's breast health points . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)

3 , kelp

Kelp is a large species of edible algae, for women, not only beauty, hair, weight loss and other health effects , but also the adjuvant treatment of breast hyperplasia. The study found that kelp possesses a relief role in mammary gland hyperplasia is the result of which contains a lot of iodine, can promote ovarian follicular luteinization, endocrine disorders have been adjusted to reduce the risk of women suffering from breast hyperplasia . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)

4 , nuts, seeds, foods

Seeds, nuts contain lecithin, including soybeans, peanuts, almonds are rich in protein , walnuts, sesame seeds , which contain large amounts of antioxidants , may play anti-cancer effect. Moreover , nuts and seeds foods increase the body 's intake of vitamin e , which is rich in vitamin e taken to make breast tissue more elastic . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)

5 , fish and seafood

Fish, snapper , catfish , octopus, octopus , squid , sea cucumbers , oysters and seaweed, Sargassum , etc. , rich in essential trace elements , has a unique role in the protection of the breast . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)

6 , milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium, good breast health .

7 , colored fruits

Grapes , kiwi , lemon , strawberry , citrus, figs , etc., so that women intake of vitamins , but also access to anti- cancer substances . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)

8 , vegetables

Vegetables and staple food with a reasonable , not only conducive to good health, if the daily diet to ensure adequate intake of vegetables , eat more tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower , squash , garlic, onions, asparagus , cucumber , gourd , radish and some green leafy vegetables and so on helpful to maintain breast health .

9 , cereals

Cereals such as wheat ( flour ) , corn and regular consumption of these grains are breast health effects . Wheat contains large amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber, soluble fiber helps the body reduce cholesterol ; insoluble fiber helps prevent cancer , corn is definitely more nutrition experts for the best breast food . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com).

