Dry winter , the body's metabolism slows
down , easy to accumulate toxins . Body poison plot not only bring bad breath,
constipation , but also " disfigured" : Changdou , long spot , face
yellow ...... how that autumn detox ? Woman detoxifies the easiest way is ?
Xiaobian teach you six strokes , easy detoxification.
1 , sleep detoxification method
Adequate sleep method : When the body is in
a sleep state , the cells needed to repair and replenish nutrients in the best
period . Sleeping is a simple thing, however , sleep is detoxification , in
fact, pay more attention to sleep. (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com).
Liver, gallbladder is our most important
detoxifying the body's internal organs, the body of toxins mostly rely on their
role and discharged , and the detoxification of the time they are in deep sleep
when the body be carried out .
We 've all heard of the liver
detoxification time is 23:00 to 1:00 the next day , then that will continue
into the gallbladder detox the time 3:00 , so be sure to stay up late friends
corrections and rest time , time to sleep by points in order to give the best
body detox .
If the long-term lack of sleep, damaged
cells can not be repaired , ensure 7 hours of sleep a day , and try to 12:00
midnight before entering deep sleep , is essential. Sleep detox detoxification
method is the most simple and effective method for the good .
2 , water detoxification method
Available water law: Water accounts for 60%
of the human body , add more water , can produce potent purifying effect ,
accelerate circulation and metabolism , reduce the burden on the liver and
kidneys, while maintaining the necessary moisture concentration in vivo , and
enhance the body of harmful substances excluded.
Keep in mind , body and skin moisture but
decided the key to the extent of young Oh ! Best to drink warm water, are less
likely to cause water retention .
After getting the best fasting state ,
followed by a fasting state before each meal , usually at intervals of 1.5 to 2
hours to drink a glass of water , effectively ensuring water intake . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)
3 , massage detoxification method
Soothing Massage: think of it , a simple
acupressure , can enhance blood circulation and body metabolism.
First, abdominal massage detoxification:
The abdomen is concentrated parts of
internal organs , can strengthen the stomach through the abdominal drainage
massage function and prevent constipation.
Specific methods: navel as the center ,
rotating clockwise , to do 10 minutes a day.
Second , arms Detox Massage :
The site is difficult to lose arm fat , arm
massage is to stimulate them - the kinds of massage , by massage to smooth the
flow of blood to the armpit , rid the body of toxins lactic acid to prevent
muscle relaxation.
Specific methods: raise arm , making a
parallel with the head , down the arm from the wrist down massage.
Third: thigh Detox Massage :
If toxins are not well drained , formed
accumulation thigh will have a lot of cellulite , and quickly get rid of the
"elephant legs " it.
Specific methods: starting from the knees ,
hips slowly toward massage, toxins discharged along the back of the thigh anal
direction .
Fourth: calf Detox Massage :
After the exercise, if you do not fully
finishing movement , it is easy to form leg congestion , leg section will be
very difficult to lose fat.
Specific methods: palm oval on the leg
movement , through massage the calf relax.
If you find trouble , but also to rub the
palm of a warm feeling , and then press the palm cheeks , forehead and chin , facial
circulation to help improve skin tone.
4 , sports detoxification method
Sports detoxification method : There are
regular aerobic exercise , physical activity can be maintained , delaying the
operation of the aging organ function occurs during movement , but also can
stimulate the secretion of sweat , so that the body of harmful substances are
no longer hoarding.
Every day we have to walk , just walk up to
speed , as large as possible and stretch the arm swing , this is the most
simple and convenient detox movement. It can stimulate the lymphatic , lower
cholesterol and blood pressure. (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)
Hop hop
Lymphatic system to collect , screening
body of toxins , it is transported to the lymph nodes , and then discharged
into the body through the bloodstream via the detoxification organs. Bounce can
stimulate the lymphatic system detoxification, lower cholesterol , and even the
human body can get rid of the deadly cellulitis .
Do housework
Often do some housework low intensity , can
improve the function of the cardiovascular system , to exercise load has good
adaptability , good for the heart detoxification.
Since it can improve blood lipid levels ,
reduce triglycerides and total cholesterol levels , prevent atherosclerosis and
other cardiovascular diseases , and changes in blood pressure and heart rate
has a positive effect , which can enhance the heart and the body's metabolism ,
thus the heart detoxification. (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)
5 , bath detoxification method :
Body Detox Method : Wash warm bath , so
that the sweat glands excrete unimpeded , thus contributing to " the
poison" efflux. Soak your feet every night with hot water also helps
Sauna do : stay in a sauna to relax your
body detox is one of the fastest and best way. Sauna to promote perspiration ,
which would promote more toxins released. Similarly, the sauna can also be an
effective way to lose weight . (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)
6 , take a deep breath detoxification
method :
Take a deep breath detoxification method :
frequent chest , abdomen and do deep breathing exercises . Take a deep breath
sucked into both more oxygen needed for cell metabolism , and can effectively
exhaled carbon dioxide. Can take a deep breath after a thunderstorm sucked into
a lot of healthful negative ions. (http://vegetarianpluebeauty.blogspot.com)
Daily detox Note 4:00 :
1 , drink less coffee.
When starting refused poisonous food ,
there will be a bit of a tough time to feel the pain , caffeine is a typical
headache killer. As detoxification cover many different aspects of coffee is
good or bad for the body but also the most controversial.
Drinking coffee before going to bed to
sleep state would have a negative impact , but caffeine is also very easy to
cause neurological problems , such as anxiety and restlessness.
2 , and sweets break .
Sweets inside with high -fat, high -calorie
characteristics, easily lead to weight gain and increase the risk of diabetes
and cardiovascular disease. Sugar easily lead to tooth decay argument has also
been confirmed.
3 , away from bad fats.
Not all fats are harmful to the body ,
monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as olive oil
, nuts , fish, flax seeds were fat, is an integral part of the process of human
functioning .
4 , and spirits goodbye.
It is hard to decide loves wine drinking .
However , people can feel the alcohol digestion and sleep quality improved and
will improve sexual performance , muscle aches proportion will fall .